Navigating the
Depths of Innovation

Discover the Origin of Subsea Excellence

Our Genesis

The Birth of SOSUB

In the vast expanse of the Southern Oceans, SOSUB was conceived, founded on a commitment to pioneering solutions within the subsea industry.  

A quest to revolutionize subsea operations with unmatched technological advancement.

“When the Depths Call, We Respond with Innovation.”

Our Evolution

Journey Through the Waves of Time

Year 2021: SOSUB welcomed Andrew Ford and Dive Works, marking a significant leap. With 50% shares acquired, a collaboration blossomed, marrying creativity, passion, and expertise in subsea technology and service provision. 

Year 2023: SOSUB unveiled the world’s first ROV Net Repair System, a beacon of innovation, delivering transformative solutions to aquaculture operations, and propelling the industry into a realm of efficiency and sustainability.

“When the Depths Call, We Respond with Innovation.”

Dive Works & SOSUB – A Symbiotic Voyage

Aligned in creativity and passion, Dive Works and SOSUB echo shared values and visions. 

A harmonious partnership that amplifies innovation, leverages extensive experience, and realizes the dream of subsea excellence, embarking on a shared journey through the depths of oceanic innovation.

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Our Core Values


Unyielding in our pursuit to break the bounds, transforming challenges into cutting-edge solutions.

Diverse Expertise

We are steadfast in our commitment to deliver unparalleled quality, precision, and reliability in every endeavor.


As stewards of the ocean, we are dedicated to practices that honor and preserve the marine ecosystem.


Our collaborations are the lifeblood that fuels continuous growth, learning, and advancement.

Our Core Values


Unyielding in our pursuit to break the bounds, transforming challenges into cutting-edge solutions.

Diverse Expertise

We are steadfast in our commitment to deliver unparalleled quality, precision, and reliability in every endeavor.


As stewards of the ocean, we are dedicated to practices that honor and preserve the marine ecosystem.


Our collaborations are the lifeblood that fuels continuous growth, learning, and advancement.

Our Legacy

Charting the Course for Tomorrow

At SOSUB, our legacy is etched in the ripples of the ocean, an unceasing drive to navigate the uncharted, to blaze a trail of subsea excellence for generations to come, ensuring the longevity, health, and prosperity of our oceans and the industry that thrives within.

Embark on the SOSUB Journey